Hannah Edwards Book 1 ebook

Hannah Edwards Secrets of Riverway, ebook

The cover of Hannah Edwards Secrets of Riverway features Hannah peeking out from behind the side of a barn. On the barn wall is a Missing poster for Andrew Edwards “the Canola King” with an image of a man’s face. In the background is an aquifer.
Hannah Edwards 1
By Ashley Hards
Published by Fabled Films Press
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eBook ISBN: 9781944020927
On Sale: September 10, 2024
$9.99 USD | 268 pages
Lexile: 750L | Fountas & Pinnell: W 
Also available in Hardcover

Authentic ADHD Reimagining of Hamlet that is an Unconventional Mystery and Coming-of-Age Story.
It’s Nancy Drew and Sammy Keyes mixed with Turtles All the Way Down and Honestly Elliott.
This book is part of Fabled Films Press' reimagined classics collection that includes Pippa Park Raises Her Game.

Read an Excerpt Request a Galley
Hannah Edwards has a lot on her mind.
For starters, her father—the Canola King—has been missing for months. And no one—not her distracted mother, her meddlesome guidance counselor, or her evil Uncle Fergus—seems to care. Luckily, she has her secret journal to keep her focused and her best friend Sam Castillo for support in solving the case.

So when Sam tells Hannah he thinks he saw her father’s ghost down at the old Riverway Mill, Hannah decides to take matters into her own hands. She soon learns that Uncle Fergus has a plan to steal the family farm, drain the river, and find a hidden treasure.

On the edge of going from being a GOOD KID to a BAD KID, Hannah stops pretending to pay attention to her endlessly boring classes. With Sam, her secret journal, and eventually a whole lot of Riverway frogs, Hannah sets out to solve the mystery of her father's disappearance.

Hannah Edwards is a heartfelt story of a young neurodiverse girl with a whole lot of determination to do the right thing.
268 pages | $9.99 USD | 9781944020927 | September 10, 2024

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